Archive for Vandalism

I wonder if his brake lines were cut?

Posted in Canadian politics with tags , on October 9, 2008 by solenadon

via Liberal vandalism targeting Conservatives in Cambridge.

Nice to know the E-Jankulator’s Sherlock Holmes hat isn’t squeezing hisbrains unduly.  After all, he claims to know how to use google Earth.

Were any brake lines cut?  You know, like what happened to Liberal supporters?

How do we know some Conservative operative didn’t rip up these signs in an attempt to claim victimhood?

Ohhhh..our signs have been ripped up.  Look at us, we’re just like those “Lieberal” people who claim to have been targetted.

Election-related vandalism continues in Ontario

Posted in Canadian politics with tags , , on October 8, 2008 by solenadon

via Election-related vandalism continues in Ontario.

It seems that election time vandalism in continuing in Southern Ontario.  More houses defaced, more cars keyed and brake lines cut.  And the majority of these appear to be Liberal supporters around the Toronto area.

Now we know that Conservatives are supposedly law and order types.  One in particular, Steve Janke (E-Jankulator to some of us) is usually on the case…when he can bad mouth Garth Turner or spin conspiracy theories of how Conservatives supporters are targeted.

For something this big I was sure he’d put on his Sherlocke Holmes hat and be on the case.  After all, when Garth Turner’s signs got knocked down, he had his little minion out taking measurements of the sign hole depths.  Unfortunately, this just isn’t so.